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The Dirt Palace Classic library is a work in progress! It is home to a large collection of handmade zines and comics (semi-organized in magazine boxes), Fiction (semi-organized alphabetically by author), art books (kinda organized, or at least mostly all in one section), non-fiction (organized in our own categories based on the ‘not actually scientific’ library science of our cobwebby collective mind). It is also where we hold the Shivering Shelves occasional reading/screening/dessert eating series. We do not have public hours for the library, but if you are interested in perusing our shelves a) come to a shivering shelves...we open the doors early so that people can check out the library or b) get in touch and we can set up an appointment - depending on what’s going on we might be a little bit slow about it, but we’re happy about your interest and will do our best to accommodate you.
The Dirt Palace Library has been built based on generous donations of books/zines from so many awesome people/places. Big thanks to Ft. Thunder (the first donation!), Joan D’Arc of Newspeak/Paranoia, Jeanne Zornoza at the Wilton Library, and the anonymous person who left us that box of Mad Magazines on our doorstep. If you have books or zines that you’d like to donate, get in touch.
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