Pippi Zornoza is an interdisciplinary artist working in sound, performance, installation, video, and printmaking. She is a co-founder of the Dirt Palace feminist art collective in Providence Rhode Island. Formed in an abandoned library in 2000, the Dirt Palace has since embodied the oxymoron of “Underground Institution”.
Her work has been published in the Winton Bell Gallery's Building Expectation: Past and Present Visions of the Architectural Future, Anthony Alvarado's DIY Magic, Mathew Barney and Brandon Stousy's Tubal Cain, and in the art-poster anthology, The Art of Modern Rock
Zornoza has performed in the musical projects VVLTVRE, Bonedust, Worms in Women and Cattle, Master of Pussy, Sawzall, and Wold. She has numerous self released albums as well as records on both the ANNIHILVS and Corleone Record labels. In 2016 her solo project under the moniker RECTRIX will release on Peace Street Recordings.
Pippi is also the star in the cult movie classic, Die You Zombie Bastards, directed by Caleb Emerson. Someday she will direct and perform in a musical where she will star as death.